World Bee Day 2023

World Bee Day 2023


With our commitment to sustainability and conservation, we are ecstatic to announce our partnership with Best Bees.

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Our beehive currently has about 15,000 bees and at the peak of summer can have up to about 50,000 bees.

World Bee Day, which is celebrated annually on May 20th, is an important day for Beyond Clothing and our Pollinator program. This day was established by the United Nations in 2018 to raise awareness about the importance of bees and other pollinators for our food security and ecosystems. Beyond Clothing recognizes that pollinators, such as bees, are essential for the growth of many of the crops that we depend on for food, and they play a critical role in maintaining biodiversity in our ecosystems. With our commitment to sustainability and conservation, we are ecstatic to announce our partnership with Best Bees. With this collaboration, we are excited to contribute to the global effort to enhance pollinator health and advance beekeeping science. As part of our commitment to supporting these vital creatures, we have also switched from an indoor observation hive to just outside of the shop. Creating an outdoor hive allows us to expand with the hive while keeping it safe and easily accessible for our beekeepers to monitor. We invite everyone to come and meet our bees and learn about our pollinator program here at Beyond! 

Bees on a bench.

In the spirit of World Bee Day, please enjoy some fun facts about bees:

  • Our beehive currently has about 15,000 bees and at the peak of summer can have up to about 50,000 bees. 
  • Bees can fly up to 12 mph
  •  A bee flaps its wings up to 200 times per second  
  • Bees communicate by dancing: Click here to learn about the bee dances
  • Bees have 5 eyes and 6 legs
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